Churchill Avenue News

08 November 2024

From the Principal

We are now halfway through Term 4, and it’s remarkable to see how much our students have accomplished. As we progress through these final weeks, we are eagerly looking forward to some special events that allow us to come together as a school community. A significant highlight will be our Transition Program, where students from all campuses will join at the 204 site. This shared gathering is a valuable chance for us to connect as a community and build unity across our campuses.

Another event we are particularly excited about is our Afternoon of Excellence. This celebration allows us to recognise the outstanding achievements of our students. While we know some students may feel disappointed if they don’t receive formal awards, we encourage everyone to view success in broader terms. Achievement is more than just scores and results; it encompasses personal growth, resilience, and dedication. We are proud of each student's unique journey, and this event is a time to honour all types of individual success.

In addition, our VCE exams are well underway, and I’m pleased to report that everything has been running smoothly so far. We are incredibly proud of our students' efforts and dedication during this important time and are grateful for the support from families and staff that helps them stay focused and prepared.

Monday is also Remembrance Day, a time to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have served in conflicts, striving for peace and freedom. This year, we draw inspiration from Pope Francis’s message in Delixit nos, reminding us of our call to live with love, peace, and compassion. As we remember those who have suffered the costs of conflict, let us continue to build a community where love and peace are at the forefront of our actions and intentions.

Finally, as we move towards the end of the term, we have observed some lapses in student behaviour, which is not unusual at this stage. We ask for your support in reminding students of the expected behaviours at school. By working together, we can keep our environment positive and productive for everyone.

Thank you for your continued support as we approach the final stretch of the year.

Laura Ruddick
Acting Principal

Campus Report - Sacred Heart

This term the Year 12’s finished with their Celebration Day on the 24th of October, which was an enjoyable and festive way to end their official classes. There were lots of inventive and funny costumes and the Karaoke produced some aspiring vocalists. The student leadership created a fantastic video visually showcasing their six-year journey, and a big shout out to the Faith leader Josed Sawadan who led this effort. The following day we had one of the biggest days of the College year – Year 12 Graduation. We had Graduation Assembly where the current leaders officially handed over the reins to the new leaders of 2025. We look forward to working with these leaders and carrying on the great ideas and representing the student body as the leaders of this year have done. This day also encompassed our Graduation Mass, Graduation Ceremony and culminated in the Valedictory Dinner at the Hyatt Place Essendon Fields. Here we were entertained by the amazing musician and vocalists in this cohort, and we say thank you to them for taking time out of their nights to perform for us. The Year 12’s and their families had a great night celebrating their last time together as a cohort after six years together.

We wish them all the best in their exams and in all future endeavours.

The Year 10 and 11 students have started their end of year exams which finish on Thursday 14th of November. The Year 11’s have a reflection day on the 15th and the Year 10’s a VCE Induction Day. Then on Monday 18th there is an exam feedback day where they can reflect and assess how they studied based on their results. They can reflect on; did they study and prepare effectively; did they utilise their study skills; what worked well and where do they need to improve in the future.

The Year 10 and 11 students start transition on Tuesday 19th, and this continues until Friday 29th of November which is the Afternoon of Excellence and their last school day of the year. They need to be focused and ready to go in transition right from the beginning. It is an exciting time as they begin Units 1 and 3 in their subject classes and LM. The teachers they have may not be the same as in 2025, as the timetable is not fixed at that time. Students need to come prepared and ready to work contentiously, asking questions and ensuring they know the holiday homework that needs to be completed to begin 2025 successfully. This enables them to set themselves up to ensure their next years at Caroline Chisolm Catholic College are full of commitment, enjoyment and success.

On behalf of the Sacred Heart team, I would like to wish all our families a joyous Christmas and a happy and safe holiday period as this is the last report from us through the newsletter.

Molly Coyne
Director of Campus, Sacred Heart

Campus Report, SJ

Dear St John’s students and families,

As we reach the halfway point of Term 4, I would like to congratulate our St John’s students for the way they have conducted themselves thus far. As the end of the academic year is drawing to a close, I would like to remind students that there is still plenty of work to do, with final assessments coming up and exams quickly approaching. Over the coming days I encourage students to reflect on their engagement in class, ask questions and create a study timetable to ensure they are well placed to achieve success.

Recently, the Salvation Army conducted an incursion at our school, educating students about poverty and inequality, particularly within Melbourne. The session aimed to raise awareness of social challenges and inspire students to think critically about ways they can contribute to positive change. Meanwhile, our drama students had the opportunity to attend a live performance at the Malthouse Theatre. This excursion allowed them to experience professional stagecraft firsthand, deepening their appreciation for the performing arts and perform on the big stage! Additionally, some of our music students participated in a Kool Skools recording session, where they recorded tracks in a professional studio. This experience not only showcased their musical talents but also provided valuable insights into the music production process. Well done to all involved!

A reminder to students and parents/carers that each Wednesday the College offers an After School Program where students engage sporting, learning and group activities. This is a great opportunity to come and have some fun with your friends in a supervised and supportive environment.

The College also offers a SJ’s Homework Club that runs in the BISC each Thursday afternoon from 3:10 pm- 4:10 pm, another opportunity to get some extra teacher support in completing any unfinished classwork or Checkpoint tasks. Hope to see many more students there each Thursday. Perfect preparation for exams!

Luke Robinson
Director of Campus, St Johns

Campus Report, CTK

As we soon approach the end of another year, I find myself looking back with immense gratitude and satisfaction. This year has been one of growth, achievement, and vibrant community spirit. I want to take this opportunity to celebrate the many accomplishments of our students and to recognise the collective resilience and dedication that defines our Campus.

Before we wrap up the year, there's still much to achieve and look forward to. So far this Term, we've enjoyed incredible events like the IMAGINE Exhibition, Year 7 Outdoor Education Camps, Mental Health Week, Year 9 Reflection Days and various competitive sports. The upcoming weeks, that take us to the end of the year, promise to be thrilling and full of activities. As we look ahead, the final weeks of the year promise a strong, exciting finish with the Swimming Carnival, Christmas Appeal efforts, Examinations, Activities Week, and a variety of excursions and community service events; there’s something for everyone get involved and celebrate. Let’s make the most of this busy, rewarding season and create unforgettable memories together.

As we conclude this year, we’re already setting our sights on the future. We have many programs and improvements in the works that will ensure our campus remains a place of opportunity, growth, and support. While we celebrate this year’s achievements, we are excited about what lies ahead and the continued journey we will share together.

Thank you to all students, families, staff and College leadership for your hard work, your energy, and your commitment to making our school a wonderful place to learn, grow and be apart of. Enjoy a restful break, take time to recharge, and I look forward to welcoming everyone back next year for another incredible chapter.

Warm wishes and a Merry Christmas to all,

Bianca Markovic
Director of Campus, Christ the King

Notices and Announcements

Tuesday 19 November - Summer Music Concert

Monday 25 November - Christmas Themed Casual Clothes Day. Please bring a gold coin!

Friday 29 November - End of Year Mass

Friday 06 December - Last Day of Term

Summer Music Concert

Tuesday 19 November
6.30pm - 8.30pm

We're excited to announce that our annual Summer Music Concert is coming up!
This year we'll be holding the concert on the Green, allowing for more people attend, as in previous years we started running out of space!

Bring along your picnic blankets, buy a sausage the raise money for the MacKillop Christmas Appeal, and enjoy the dulcet tones of our amazing students!

Student Events and Activities

MACS Silver Rerum Rovarum Award

A big congratulations to our students involved in the MACS Rerum Rovarum awards, who won Silver!

The Rerum Rovarum Awards are an opportunity for students to complete social justice projects within the school, aiming to create change. 

Our students identified that we could improve the biodiversity of our College campuses, and so created garden beds with that aim.
Here is an excerpt from their winning report:

"The committee began by researching plants and found that planting Indigenous plants is one of the most sustainable ways to restore the biodiversity of an area (Australian Plants Society). Indigenous plants attract local wildlife, including bees and butterflies, thereby supporting local ecosystems. Additionally, as Indigenous plants are already well adapted to the local climate, Indigenous plants require limited watering thus contributing to the sustainable use of water.

The plants were purchased from Newport Lakes Nursery, a local nursery specialising in Indigenous plants. A variety of wildflowers were chosen to make the garden beds enticing for the community."

 Well done to Minh Trinh, Emmanuel Salvana, Noel Mathew Paluvelil, Leon Lieu, Sajal Ram, Don Amala and Kapish Ramsahaye!

Year 12 Celebration Day

The Year 12 Celebration Day is looked forward to by all our graduating students, as they let off some steam in Karaoke, dress up, and share some final time together as a whole cohort before the more formal events of the following day. 
The costumes were fabulous, the singing was amazing, and everyone had  great time!

Year 12 Graduation Assembly and Mass

To conclude the celebratory element of our Year 12s finishing their formal schooling with us, we hold a Graduation Assembly and Mass, recognising all the students and blessing them as they continue with their journeys outside the walls of our College. Congratulations to all our incredible students who we farewelled for a final time later that evening at the Valedictory dinner. 

We wish you all the best as you move forward, and look forward to seeing you for alumni events in the future!

All Soul's Mass

The 6th of November saw Caroline Chisholm Catholic College marking All Soul's Day with a mass. As a Catholic College, the rituals and liturgical calendar events are an important part of our school life, and it was wonderful to see a number of staff and students attend our first All Soul's Day mass. 

Christmas Tree going up and MacKillop Christmas Appeal

We have officially launched our annual MacKillop Christmas Appeal!

While we know it may feel too early to start celebrating the festive season, with final day of term on the 6th of December, we wanted to give as many people the chance to contribute as possible. With that in mind, last week we put up and decorated Christmas trees at both sites, ready for your donations!

We will also have a number of fundraising events up until the 26th of November. You can donate online here:


On October 24th Pope Francis published his most recent encyclical Dilexit Nos or “He loved us”. This letter explores the human and divine love Jesus has for us all. In it, Pope Francis has asked us to rediscover our own love for one another and for Jesus’ Sacred Heart. As we head towards Christmas, may our prayers be focused on how we can love one another and create a more just and peaceful community for all.

Dear Lord,

In a world where everything is bought and sold, people’s sense of their worth appears increasingly to depend on what they can accumulate with power or money.

The love of Jesus has no place in this, yet only this love can set us free.

Christ’s love can give a heart to our world and revive love wherever we think it has been lost.

Our Church also needs love, unless the love of Christ be replaced with outdated structures, our own opinions, and fanaticism.

Let us welcome the love of God that liberates, enlivens, brings joy and builds communities.

We ask Jesus to grant that his Sacred Heart may continue to pour forth the streams of living water that can heal any hurt we have caused, strengthen our love and service of others, and inspire us to journey together towards a world of justice, solidary and love.


Prayer adapted from Delixit Nos no. 217-220.