Churchill Avenue News

18 October 2024

From the Principal

Dear Caroline Chisholm Community,

Welcome to the first week of Term 4! As we step into this vibrant season of Spring, we are reminded of new beginnings, growth, and the beauty of God’s creation all around us. Just as the flowers bloom and the days grow warmer, we too have the opportunity to renew our spirits and focus on the journey ahead.

I am also excited to share that we have appointed Dr. Napoleon Rodezno as the new Principal of Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, Braybrook, starting in 2025. Dr. Rodezno brings extensive educational experience, faith leadership, and a passion for the safety and holistic development of our students. His leadership style emphasises personal and academic growth, aligning perfectly with our school’s ethos and the commitment of our staff. He is currently serving as a Deputy Principal at Aquinas College in Ringwood, and I am confident that his collaborative approach will greatly benefit our community.

Spring is often associated with themes of hope and resurrection, reflecting the message found in Isaiah 43:19, where God tells us, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” This verse encourages us to embrace change and look forward to the blessings that await us, both as individuals and as a community.

As we transition into the warmer months, I encourage our families to reflect on the importance of growth—not just in nature, but also in our personal and academic lives. Let us nurture our talents and support one another, just as a garden flourishes with care and attention.

Additionally, as we enter this term, I want to remind everyone that we are now in Summer Uniform. It is essential that all students wear their uniforms correctly, as it reflects our pride in our school community and fosters a sense of belonging.

This term is filled with significant events and celebrations, and I am excited about the opportunities for our students to shine. Let us stay focused and committed to our studies as we journey through this season together.

Thank you for your continued support and let us embrace the promise of Spring with hope and faith.

Warm regards,

Laura Ruddick

Acting Principal

Student Wellbeing Report

Term 4 brings excitement to our college community as we prepare to celebrate and farewell our Year 12 cohort. We look forward to honouring them next week with a series of events, including Celebration Day, a whole school assembly, a family Mass, and the graduation ceremony, followed by the Valedictory dinner.

Students in Years 7 to 11 are busy wrapping up the school year and preparing for exams and transition programs. The Family Partnership team has been actively supporting families, recently conducting wellbeing sessions focused on mental health. Our college counsellor provided insights on how families can better understand and support their children, fostering a space for shared experiences and learning.

They have also assisted our incoming Year 7 students as they prepare to join our college next year, visiting primary schools with current Year 7 students to share their experiences and answer questions. The transition to secondary school is crucial, and we look forward to welcoming new families at our Orientation Day in December.

Two First Nations students participated in the Nallei Jerring program at Whitten Oval, concluding this week. They engaged in sessions with peers from other schools, sharing culture and learning about their connections, which has been wonderful to witness.

Term 3 School Holiday Program

Congratulations to our Caroline Chisholm Catholic College students who participated in the school holiday programs with the Huddle (North Melbourne Football Club) and Melbourne Victory Football Club. These organizations offer local young people opportunities to connect with peers and mentors during the break. We are grateful for this ongoing partnership, as community engagement skills are essential for our students to develop meaningful connections.

After-School Programs

Our after-school program continues to benefit our community, running every Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:00 pm. This safe, supervised environment allows children to explore interests, make friends, and learn new skills, with support from school counsellors, social workers, youth workers, and staff.

Activities include:

  • Dodgeball
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Homework support
  • Social and emotional support
  • Scavenger hunts

This term, we are excited to introduce three new programs:

  1. MAT Program: Builds resilience and confidence through martial arts. Learn more
  2. Strength Program: A personal development and mentoring program for boys to explore identity and purpose. Learn more
  3. Shine Program: A personal development and mentoring program for girls, focusing on inspiration and practical skills. Learn more

Breakfast Ministry Club

The Student Liaison team continues to work with the Faith and Mission team to deliver breakfast to students three days a week. Since its inception last year, the program has fostered community through shared meals, with hot drinks like Milo and hot chocolate added during winter.

We look forward to concluding the year positively and preparing our students for 2025.

God bless,
Stephanie Banks
Deputy Principal, Student Wellbeing

Learning and Teaching Report

Dear Families,

As we commence Term 4, we recognise that many of our students will be embarking on a period of assessment. This period brings with it a mixture of emotions—anticipation, pressure, and reflection—especially for those in the senior years.

Next week, our Year 12 students, along with Year 11 students enrolled in Units 3 & 4 subjects, will commence their final written examinations. It is a time of heightened emotions, as students face the pressure of final assessments, but it is also a time of celebration. These exams represent the closing chapter of their secondary education, a significant milestone in their academic journey. We wish all our Year 12 students the very best on their examinations, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements when results are released later in the year.

In a fortnight’s time, our Year 10 and 11 students will finish their formal classes and begin their examination period. These exams provide a valuable opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the key knowledge and skills learnt throughout the semester, whilst preparing them for future exams as they learn study techniques. Following the exams, students will participate in an examination feedback day, where they will have the opportunity to discuss their responses with their classroom teachers. These feedback sessions will allow them to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement, preparing them for future learning.

Our Year 7 and Year 9 students recently received their NAPLAN results, while our Year 8 and Year 10 students received their Academic Assessment Services results. These standardised assessments help us gain a deeper understanding of student progress and achievement whilst providing insight into areas where improvements can be made in both literacy and numeracy. This data is used by teachers, parents, and the College community, as it guides our efforts to support future student learning.

The College is pleased to share the results of the 2024 NAPLAN tests with our community. These results are a testament to the dedication and effort of our students, supported by the guidance of our teachers. Some particular areas of celebration include, 27% of our Year 7 students achieved results in the ‘Exceeding’ band for Reading, compared to 22.3% of the state and 19.9% of the nation. Similarly, 31.6% of our Year 9 students achieved results in the ‘Exceeding’ band for Writing, compared with 22.5% of the state and 21.1% nationally. 
A full breakdown of the results can be seen in the tables below.

Table 1: 2024 Year 7 NAPLAN results for Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, the state of Victoria and nationally.

Table 2: 2024 Year 9 NAPLAN results for Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, the state of Victoria and nationally.

Our Year 7–10 students are currently completing Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in Reading and Mathematics. Aligned with the Melbourne Archdiocesan Catholic Schools (MACS) Flourishing Learners Strategic Theme, these assessments are designed to provide further insights into student strengths, helping us to tailor our teaching to meet the needs of each learner.

We understand that this period of assessments can be challenging for students, and we appreciate the ongoing support you provide at home.

Warm regards,
Lauren Markovic
Acting Deputy Principal (Learning & Teaching)

Faith and Mission Report

Many Minds, One Heart

This week I had the pleasure of farewelling my Year 12 class and thanking them for their hard work this year. Likewise, all around the College, teachers and Year 12 students are celebrating their accomplishments and preparing for their final exams. It is a time of excitement, gratitude, uncertainty and transition.

In the upcoming Graduation Mass and Ceremony our College Captains will remove from the Sacred Heart statue the list of all students from the Graduating Class of 2024. This moment symbolises their departure from the College, and that their 6 years as students has ended. They have been at the heart of our College, the lifeblood, the joy, the love, the spark that has echoed through the corridors and courtyards.

This common spark of love is the element that brings us all together, our One Heart. The beauty being that the one heart, centred on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is enriched by the Many Minds that make up our community. It is our diversity and uniqueness, unified in the heart, that is our strength.

And so, for my reflection, I wish to emphasise our College Motto and Crest. Our college motto reflects the balance between striving for academic excellence and growing in the light of Jesus Christ reflected in our words and actions.

Our motto reflects the values that life at the core of our educational mission; knowledge, learning, faith and dignity. These values we identify in the person of Jesus, the depth of love in the Sacred Heart, and in the lived example of Caroline Chisholm.

Our college crest is composed of three elements: the cross, the shield and our motto. The Sacred Heart Cross represents our commitment to faith in Jesus by position the heart at the centre. By placing the Sacred Heart at the centre of the cross we are also reminded that our college, and its three precursors, were founded by religious communities dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.

The shield is divided into four quadrants by the Sacred Heart Cross. The symbol of the shield reflects the protection and security that we find in God our Father’s love. The use of a light red colour in three of the quadrants is intended to reflect the three colleges combining, through the maroon heart, to form a single vision moving forward – in essence, the many minds becoming one heart.

Radiating from the heart into all quadrants of the shield are rays of light. Jesus is light of the world and calls every person to likewise “Let your light shine” (Matthew 5:16) for all to see so that God may be known and glorified. The light radiating from the Sacred Heart is a reminder of God’s love permeating our lives and our world, and it is a continual reminder to let our own light shine forth so that we may illumine the world with the light of love.

Finally, our college motto is emblazoned upon the shield: Many Minds, One Heart. These words speak to our past, present and future. They are a practical exemplification of what it means to love God and love our neighbour following the example of Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, as our Year 12 students graduate and depart from our College in the coming week, let us pray for them as they continue their journey and embrace the opportunities ahead. For 6 years they have worn our College crest and lived by our motto, may they remember always that they were and will always be held lovingly in our hearts.

Tristan O'Brien
Deputy Principal, Faith and Mission

Notices and Announcements


Thursday 24th October – Year 12 Celebration morning
9am until 11am, with a guard of honour. (ALL students will commence the day at 204 Churchill Ave Campus, and CTK will move to their campus following the guard of honour).

Friday 25th October Year 12 Graduation Assembly and Mass ALL students will commence the day at 204 Churchill Ave Campus, and CTK will move to their campus following the assembly. All students to be in full winter uniform including tie and blazer. Girls to wear white socks with winter skirt or pants, boys to wear pants.


Wednesday 6th November until Thursday 14th November - Year 10 and 11 exams
Students to attend as per their exam schedule, in full uniform with their ID.

Friday 15th November Year 11 Reflection Day
 This is a compulsory attendance day for all Year 11 students. Students to attend in full uniform.

Friday 15th NovemberYear 10 VCE Induction Day
Students to attend in full uniform.

Friday 15th and Monday 18th November Year 7 to 9 exams 
Students to attend in full uniform.

Monday 18th NovemberYear 10 and 11 exam feedback day

Tuesday 19th until Thursday 28th November 2025 VCE transition
Students to attend in full uniform. ALL students including Christ the King will be based at 204 Churchill Ave during this time. Students may travel via the school shuttle to CTK for electives but will start and finish their day at 204.

Friday 29th November
Year 10 and 11s last day
Mass and Afternoon of Excellence. (ALL students will be at 204 Churchill Ave Campus,). All students to be in full winter uniform including tie and blazer. Girls to wear white socks with winter skirt or pants, boys to wear pants.
ALL students will be dismissed at 1:30pm on this day.


Monday 2nd December until Friday 6th DecemberYear 7 to 9 End of Year Program
chedule to be released.

Friday 6th December - last day for Year 7 to 9
tudents finish at 1pm from their own campus

Student Events and Activities

Imagine Exhibition and Blessing of the new Art Wing

Our College recently formally blessed and opened our new art wing, while also opening our annual Imagine Exhibition.

As always, the students did an incredible job, and the caliber of work was exceptional. Thank you to all the students who were willing to contribute their work to the display, every piece was fantastic!

Year 7 and 8 Literacy Program

We were lucky enough to have the 100 Story Building Organisation attend our College and run a program with our Year 7 and 8 Literacy students. The program is designed to promote young writers and encourage them to develop their creativity and self-efficacy as they write. 

Below is a reflection from Harry Xuereb, who participated in the workshop.

"On Wednesday the 17 and Thursday the 18th we did a Comic Boom lesson with the 100-Story writers’ group, as a part of our Literacy classes. We got to plan our own comics and draw them out. It was really fun, and educational. I have always enjoyed writing, but this workshop changed the way I think about writing. It gave me more ideas on how I can develop my stories. I love reading comics and always wanted to learn how to make one, now I had the chance. It made me think that one day, maybe I could publish my own comic book for other children. I am thinking about one day joining their professional student writers’ group. I hope to enter the Literacy competition and have my work show-cased in the Literacy book. Thank you for giving us this wonderful opportunity to develop out literacy skills in a fun way. We hope to work with the 100 Stories people again. "

St Vincent de Paul Society Social College Conference

Our College recently welcomes the St Vincent de Paul Society as well as guest students from other local schools for a social justice focused College Conference. Students presented some highlights from the social justice work they've done at our College with Vinnies, as well as hearing what other schools have done. The day also involved activities designed to inspire conversations about the difficult choices people experiencing homelessness experience, as well as brainstorming new ideas to raise awareness and funds for the cause. 

Mental Health Week

This week was mental health week. Staff and students marked this significant week by wearing green ribbons, initiatives throughout the week, and visits from speical services, including Paw Pals. Paw Pals is an program run by MacKillop Family Services which uses therapy dogs to help teach students about emotions and behaviour, and we had some lucky students get to meet a wonderful therapy dog and learn about all she does in her day-to-day work!

Student sports recognitions

In our final assembly for Term 3, we recognised a number of sports teams who saw particular success in SACCSS. Congratulations to all the teams who won finals or grand finals - it's always amazing to see just how many of our students are actively engaged in Sports, and working in teams that are seeing so much success.

Those teams are:

Year 7 Boys Soccer

Year 7 Girls Volleyball

Year 8 Boys AFL

Year 9 Boys Soccer

Senior Boys Basketball

Congratulations again!


Feast of St Luke

St Luke and the message of the Good Samaritan

Loving Father,
You call us to love You with all our heart and to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Help us to see all people as our neighbours,
especially those in need, like the Good Samaritan saw the wounded man.

Through the example of St. Luke, the Evangelist,
who shared the Gospel of Your mercy and care,
teach us to act with compassion for those who suffer,
offering our time, our gifts, and our hearts
to heal and uplift them.

May we never pass by on the other side,
but always be moved by love to care for others,
no matter their background or difference to us.
Help us to be true neighbours, showing mercy and kindness,
and reflecting Your boundless love.

With many minds and one heart,
may we live out the command to love and serve,
bringing healing and hope to a broken world,
And uniting all people in one message of love.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord,