Churchill Avenue News

20 September 2024

From the Principal

As Term 3 draws to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the changing seasons. The crisp mornings and longer days signal the arrival of spring, bringing with it a renewed energy. There’s something about this time of year that feels both refreshing and invigorating. It serves as a reminder that change, even in the smallest forms, can bring new opportunities and motivation.

For our Year 12 students, this time also marks the final stretch before their VCE exams. The upcoming holidays provide a crucial period of preparation, and I encourage all students to make the most of this time. However, preparation doesn’t only mean endless study. As with everything in life, balance is essential. These holidays are not just a time to focus on exams, but also an opportunity to rest, recharge, and reflect. A balanced approach to study and rest is key to maintaining mental and physical wellbeing, which is vital for success.

Looking ahead, we have already begun planning for 2025. I’m excited to share that we are introducing several new leadership positions to support our vision for the future. These roles will include a Director of Digital Innovation and Technology, an additional Pedagogy Coach to enhance teacher practice, and a Director of Student Engagement and Wellbeing. These additions reflect our ongoing commitment to improving the learning environment and providing our students with the best opportunities to succeed.

Whether you are preparing for exams or simply taking a break from the school routine, I hope these holidays offer you a chance to breathe, refocus, and return to Term 4 feeling renewed and ready for what’s ahead. Let’s enter the final term with energy, enthusiasm, and a commitment to finishing the year on a positive note.

Wishing you all a restful and productive break.

Laura Ruddick

Acting Principal

Loving God,

We thank You for the gift of spring and the new life it brings.

As the world around us bursts into bloom, may we be reminded of the beauty in change and growth.

Bless our students, especially those preparing for exams. Grant them wisdom, perseverance, and peace as they study.

Watch over our community during the holidays; keep us safe, rested, and ready to return refreshed.

In Your loving name, we pray. Amen.

Campus Report, CTK

Congratulations to all the Christ the King students on completing another successful Term.

Each student has shown tremendous growth, both academically and personally. Their enthusiasm for learning and participation has been inspiring, whether it be tackling a new elective subject, not yet experienced, or participating in an out-of-class extra-curricular activities like House Acts or SACCS Sports.

Well done to the Year 9’s who have completed their individual contribution to their collective Knit One Give One project. An inspirational effort by the cohort that has allowed them to focus on others in need, whilst learning a new skill at the same time.

It's been wonderful to see our students’ confidence grow as they support each other and embrace challenges. Overall, their hard work and positive attitude have set a strong foundation for future success.

Psalm 133:1 reminds us, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Much like the positive relationships between teachers and students, our community is built on mutual respect and understanding. We can create a learning environment where everyone feels supported and thrives together as one community.

Wishing all of you a wonderful and well-deserved term break! Take this time to relax, unwind, and enjoy yourselves—whether that’s spending time with family, pursuing hobbies, or simply resting. Recharge and come back refreshed for the next exciting school Term ahead!

Bianca Markovic

Acting Director of Campus, Christ the King

Campus Report, St Johns

Dear Parents and Carers,

A positive end to the term and many things to celebrate. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge and thank the St John’s staff who have supported and led our students over the last 10 weeks.

Year 7

Our Year 7 students recently attended their first camp, which was a fantastic experience for everyone involved. This adventure not only allowed them to connect with nature but also helped them forge lasting friendships.

The excitement was palpable during the Year 7 LM Olympics, where 7E emerged victorious in the dodgeball competition! We are currently preparing for the closing ceremony, which will be held in Term 4—a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all participants and their achievements.

Year 8

This term, Year 8 students are diving deep into the important themes of Mateship and the significance of looking after our family and friends. Their commitment to these values is evident in their classroom discussions and activities.

The Year 8 competition is currently being led by 8A, showcasing teamwork and competitive spirit among peers. Additionally, students are exploring cultural diversity, enriching their understanding of different backgrounds and perspectives. A testament to our diverse and inclusive community that we are so lucky to be a part of.

Exciting news for our junior athletes: the Year 8 Premier League have kicked off this week! Well done to our basketballers who took the win in the first round.

Year 9

Recently, the College hosted an Elephant Education incursion focused on consent. This interactive session provided students with valuable insights and practical guidance, empowering them to navigate important topics and communicate effectively in their relationships.

We are pleased to announce that students have successfully completed their subject selections for the upcoming academic year. This process has been a significant milestone, reflecting students commitment to their academic growth. Additionally, many students are celebrating noteworthy academic achievements this term, demonstrating their hard work and dedication to their studies.

In a fantastic display of leadership and community fundraising , our SJ captains initiated the inaugural World's Greatest Shave event on behalf of the college. This initiative aimed to raise awareness and funds for cancer research, showcasing our students’ commitment to making a positive impact in the community. A shout out to all of the teachers who volunteered to shave their heads or beards for a great cause.

All the best for a restful break

Luke Robinson

Campus Report, Sacred Heart

Karla Rangi: Year 12 Coordinator

As the term draws to a close, our Year 12 students are in their final full term of high school, marking a significant milestone. They are completing their last SACs, an important step as they work to consolidate their learning. Alongside this, they are preparing for their upcoming trial exams, which will take place over the term break. This is a crucial time for them, balancing revision with rest as they prepare for their final exams. We acknowledge their dedication and hard work during this intense period and encourage them to stay focused and take care of their well-being.

Heath Aitken and Peter Boulos: Year 11 Coordinators

As we near the end of Term 3, our Year 11 students have been actively engaged in developing crucial leadership and teamwork skills through the Learner Mentor (LM) program. It’s been fantastic to see their enthusiastic participation in various group activities designed to foster collaboration and problem-solving.

Among the highlights have been the Spaghetti Marshmallow Building Challenge, where students creatively tackled engineering problems, and the LM vs LM Tug of War, which showcased strength in unity. Other activities like Family Feud brought a fun, competitive edge, helping students to sharpen their quick-thinking and cooperative abilities.

These experiences not only reinforce the importance of teamwork but also lay a foundation for leadership as they approach their final year of schooling.

Xavier Hayes and Joseph Pham: Year 10 Coordinators

Term 3 has been a remarkable period for our Year 10 students, marked by a wealth of engaging co-curricular activities. From participating in SACCSS sporting events to taking part in excursions and incursions, our students embraced every opportunity with enthusiasm.

Faith development days, whole school assemblies, and liturgies added a meaningful layer to our community experience. The musical performances, particularly our Year 10 students' involvement in The Wizard of Oz, stood out as a highlight, showcasing their talent and creativity.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all Year 10 students for their commitment and dedication to our College community this term. Your involvement not only enriches your own experiences but also strengthens the bonds within our school. Thank you for making this term truly successful!

Notices and Announcements

Term 4 Dates

Monday 7 October - Student Free Day

Tuesday 8 October - First day of Term 4 classes

Thursday 24 October - Year 12 Celebration Day

Friday 25 October - College Assembly and Graduation

Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 November - Melbourne Cup Long Weekend

Friday 8 November - Alumni Reunion Night

Foster Care Week

The week of the 9th of September is Foster Care Week in Victoria. There is an urgent need for more foster carers within our community, so if your family has ever considered fostering, you can find out more through MacKillop Family Services.

Caroline Chisolm Catholic College ranks in top 10 Melbourne Catholic School

We are thrilled to have recently been ranked in the top 10 Catholic Schools in Melbourne with Schools360. 

This ranking is a result of the incredible hard work of all of our staff, who put so much of themselves into their job. The ranking is based on a range of factors, including diversity, anti-bullying policy's and practices, social justice efforts, academic excellence, student wellbeing and more. 

Thank you to all of our wonderful staff and leadership who work so hard for all of our students to have the best educational experience we can give.  

For more information, you can visit their website. 

Imagine Exhibition

Our annual Imagine Exhibition will be held of Monday 14 October, along with the formal opening and blessing of the new art wing.

We encourage all staff, students and parents/carers to come by between 6pm and 8pm to see the incredible pieces our students have been creating!

Student Events and Activities

Brain Breaks with 7E

During a recent Brain Break, our Year 7E class experimented with tension and inertia, getting hands on in class!

Year 12 VET Sport and Recreation 

Our Year 12 VET Sport and Recreation class recently visited Our Lady of the Nativity Primary School to run a soccer day as part of their Footy Fun Day.

The students planned for this over a few weeks to ensure they were prepared for the day, designing different drills and activities to cater every age group from prep to grade 6. They also practised on one of our own Year 7 classes in the lead up.

The students were fantastic and received some amazing feedback.

The day enabled the VET students to complete one of their assessment tasks for their ‘conduct sports coaching sessions with foundation level participants’ unit.

VCE VM Structured Workplace Learning

We've had lot's of students from our VCE VM Program busy on Structured Workplace Learning placements. Our students have been contributing to the workplace in a variety of ways and roles, and it's been wonderful seeing them flourishing!

Paralympics Viewing at CTK

Just as our students at CTK enjoyed watching the Olympics last month, they also enjoyed watching the Paralympics and supporting our Aussies!

MAV Games

Our students have been participating in the MAV Mathematics Games Day Program, playing against a number of students from across Victoria. 

The most recent day was held at Trinity Grammar in Kew for Year 10 students, but we'd like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate all of the students who have been doing such an incredible job of representing 4Cs across the state!

Year 7: Overnewton Anglican Community college

Joanne Deepak

Conor Dixon

Kitana Do

Archie Findlay

Nahum Getu

Ethan Thai

Allayna Tran

Delphi Yong

Year 8: Penleigh Essendon Grammar

James Calma

Chelsea Delos Santos

Joe Everitt-Hirota

Bawi Hlawn Ceu

Kristine Le

Khoi Nguyen

Michelle Nguyen

Antonella Pineda

Year 9: ST Albans Secondary College 

Ahana Banerjee

Lac Ho

Wendy Huynh

Mikalai Kaminski

Isaac Nguyen

Kendrick Tran

Daryl Van

Kelly Vuong

Year 10: Trinity Grammar, Kew 

Benjamin Barham

Jayden Calma

Harrison Crawford

Skye Le

Joshua Le

Noel Matthew Paluvelil

Rachel Nguyen

Aleksandra Pepdjonovic

Emmanuel Salvana

Year 11&12: RMIT

Ella Mali

Banipreet Kang

Jonathon Russell

Fadi Danha

Sage Moreira

Kevin Tran

Maribyrnong River Run

We had a number of staff and students recently participate in the Maribyrnong River Run 5km.

Congratulations to Eamonn Murphy and Nicholas Perri, who represented 4Cs staff, and George Wood-Burgess, Ivan Wright and Luke Muscara who represented our students. 

Sustainability Week

The week of the 2nd of September saw our community celebrating Sustainability Week. Students had a daily compass crossword, herb planning, a biodiversity survey, and movie night at CTK. It was a fantastic week, highlighting all the ways that we can create a greener world both within the school and in our homes. 

Year 11 LM Class

Currently, our Year 11 Learner Mentor classes are focusing on leadership and teamwork. 
During recent classes, students formed groups to work with one another on the construction of catapults, using popsicle sticks, rubber bands and paper cups. 
Final catapults were brought together for an epic LM vs LM catapult skirmish.
Congratulations to 11A, who won the battle!

VCE VM Student Reflection

As a VCE VM student I am required to complete a week of work experience anywhere I want.

Wanting to enter a tight knit industry and become an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer specialising in aircraft electrical and instruments, I thought that this would be the best opportunity to make a list of potential employers and see if any would mentor me for a week.

I sat and wrote letters to each of these companies.

Avionics 2000 at Essendon Airport responded and after a discussion with them I had a week of work experience organised and booked in. I was given many tasks by them throughout the week.

One of the tasks I was given was to repair the traffic camera on the Channel 7 news helicopter. I worked closely with a qualified Maintenance Engineer and I had made a suggestion as to a temporary fix on the traffic camera due to the parts being unavailable. These suggestions, my work ethic, the experience of the week and my asking of questions have led to an offer of full-time employment of an apprenticeship at the completion of year 12 which I am very happy about.

The VCE VM program has given me the opportunity to connect with valuable employers and point me in the right direction to get to the dream industry/job I was looking for and I am very grateful to my teachers and Ms Pilioglou for all the opportunities.

Written by Joel Brekalo

Year 10 Outdoor Recreation Rock Climbing Excursion

The aim of the Year 10 rock climbing excursion was to demonstrate to students additional forms of activity beyond traditional sports, with a focus on engaging physical, social and mental health. It also connects with the corresponding theory we teach, where we look at identifying risks and barriers to recreation, and effective strategies for harm minimisation in Outdoor Recreation Class.

During the session our students were given a safety briefing on safe partnered top rope climbing, and their understanding was tested on an introductory wall before being allowed to choose their next walls to scale independently. Rock climbing at Year 10 over the last few years has been excellent at building confidence, trust in peers and social development, all through an enormously fun activity.

SACCSS Senior Basketball Winners

Congratulations to our winning Senior Basketball team, who beat Salesian in the Division 2 final at MSAC on Tuesday the 17th. Particular congratulations to Garang Newar, who was recognised as Best Player in the final, and to Joey Pham, who coached the team. 

Celebrating the success of Chol Ajak, from the Work Readiness Program.

We are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Chol Ajak, a Year 12 student, who has successfully completed his certificate of Work Readiness Program. This was part of our Colleges African Community Mentor Program, run in conjunction with the with the Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley Local Learning and Employment Network (MMVLLEN).

Our community is thankful to the local employment network who helped provide career prospect programs tailored towards acquisition of practical and employability skills.

We are very proud of Chol who continues to be remarkable his journey and has had success and growth. He has secured a pathway to an Automotive Apprenticeship, a trade opportunity that he is excited to pursue post completion of his Year 12 studies.

With the help of the MMVLLEN and the careers and pathways office, he completed a structured workplace place through AMA, who are biggest collision repair network across Australia and New Zealand. They placed Chol with Capital Smart and from here he was offered a full-time apprenticeship to start in 2025.

Chol’s teachers and Careers advisors at Caroline Chisholm Catholic ae excited to see where he will go in his next chapter. We are hoping for a bright future for Chol, especially for his family who have been very supportive and devoted a lot of time and commitment in Chol’s learning and development.

We are confident that Chol will progress positively, as he has very positive outlook, and he is is always respectful in his approach, including his willingness to learn and develop.

A great outcome for a student who has completed Year 12 as part of the VCE VM program.

Worlds Greatest Shave 

Our College has been abuzz with excitement as some of our incredibly brave staff have had their hair or beards shaved off to rise money for the Worlds Greatest Shave.

Thank you to everyone who participated by donating money, and an especially big thank you to all the staff who were willing to sacrifice their hair for the cause!

Languages and Cultural Diversity Week

Our students love Languages and Cultural Diversity Week!
This year we had a gelati truck, sushi sale, daily prayer in a variety of languages across the week, and as always, the ever popular cultural dress day!

End of Term Assembly

We held our Term Three Assembly on the final day of Term, including an incredible musical performance, presentations from student leaders and presentations of the Spirit Award.

Congratulations to everyone involved, or who received an accolade. 


Season of Creation

Each year in response to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudati Si we commemorate the Season of Creation. This commences on September 1st, the first day of Spring, and concludes on October 4th with the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, birds and the environment. Every year the Laudato Si movement releases prayers and resources to inspire and guide us, they may be found here:

Season of Creation Prayer 2024

Triune God, Creator of all,

We praise you for your goodness, visible in all the diversity that you have created, making us a cosmic family living in a common home. Through the Earth you created, we experience love and nourishment, home and protection.

We confess that we do not relate to the Earth as a Mothering gift from you, our Creator. Our selfishness, greed, neglect, and abuse have caused the climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, human suffering as well as the suffering of all our fellow creatures. We confess that we have failed to listen to the groans of the Earth, the groans of all creatures, and the groans of the Spirit of hope and justice that lives within us.

May your Creator Spirit help us in our weakness, so that we may know the redeeming power of Christ and the hope found in him. May the groans of the Spirit birth in us a willingness to serve you faithfully, so that we may hear and heal Creation, to hope and act together with her, so that the first fruits of hope may blossom.

Loving and Creator God, we pray that you will make us sensitive to these groans and enable us to have the same compassion as that of Jesus, the redeeming Lord. Grant us a fresh vision of our relationship with Earth, and with one another, as creatures that are made in your image.

In the name of the one who came to proclaim the good news to all Creation, Jesus Christ.
