Churchill Avenue News

09 August 2024

From the Principal

Welcome to Term 3! As we start this new term, I want to express my gratitude to all the parents and guardians who played a crucial role in our recent subject selection process. Your presence and support have been instrumental in helping your children make informed decisions about their academic futures. Your dedication to their education is truly commendable.

One of the highlights of this term is the much-anticipated production of "The Wizard of Oz" which is on this weekend! Our students have been working tirelessly to bring this classic story to life, and their hard work and enthusiasm are evident in every rehearsal. The dedication of our staff and students involved in this production is truly inspiring. This event promises to be a remarkable showcase of our students' talents, and I encourage everyone to attend and support our young performers.

As many of you are aware, the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) has begun the process of appointing a permanent Principal for our College. This period can be both exciting and unsettling, as change often brings about a mix of emotions. However, I have full confidence in the process and the commitment of MACS to find the best leader to guide our College community forward. It is a time for us to trust in the process and support each other as we look to the future.

In this spirit of trust, I am reminded of the parable of the water and the rock. Over time, a persistent stream of water can wear down the hardest rock, not through force, but through gentle, consistent effort. This parable teaches us about the power of perseverance and the impact of small, steady actions. Just as water shapes the rock, our continuous efforts and trust in the process will shape the future of our College in profound ways.

Let us embrace this term with trust in each other, in our students, and in the process of selecting our new Principal. Together, we can continue to nurture and grow our College community, creating a supportive and thriving environment for all.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Caroline Chisholm Catholic College. I look forward to a successful and enriching Term 3!

Laura Ruddick

Acting Principal

Caroline Chisholm Catholic College

Campus Report, Christ the King

It has been so pleasing to see the way students have begun Term 3 full of enthusiasm and excitement, prepared to continue with their studies and to make the most of another busy term ahead.

Christ the King embraces success by watching the Olympics live at lunch from the Madeleine Centre, providing inspiration and motivation for students to see that young people can achieve if they set goals, work diligently, and remain committed to their dreams.

The Year 7s have been focusing on their personal wellbeing during Learner Mentor. They enjoyed some chair yoga and took a good look at their personal support networks. We have the police coming to share their presentation “Tagged” to educate students about social media use; as well as another Year 7 & 9 Buddy get-together as something to look forward to!

The Year 8s have focused on Decision Making and their Personal Wellbeing, building on emotional self-awareness. In week 4, they enjoyed a Medieval Incursion which brings learning to life and links to their studies in History. We have many Year 8 Christ the King students involved in our College Musical, which is creating a buzz and excitement as students cannot wait to see their peers in action!

During Learner Mentor, the Year 9s have been enhancing their study practices using various shared learning tips and tricks. It is a very exciting time for our Year 9’s who have now completed their 2025 Subject Selections, inspiring them to look to the future and further prepare for their senior studies that align with their desired career paths. In Term 3, Year 9s also have the opportunity to participate in both Premier League Sports, and attend their Camp at Garema, keeping them both active and engaged.

I look forward to the remainder of the term for the staff, students and families of our Christ the King community.

Bianca Markovic

Acting Director of Campus, Christ the King

Campus Report - St Johns

Dear students and families,

Term 3 is well underway and we are excited to share that this term has been nothing short of jam packed. From new opportunities in the classroom,  to engaging activities at recess and lunch. Here is a look at what has been on the St John’s campus.

Academic Achievements:

  • Math marvels: Our Year 7-9 students have jumped in to the opportunity to solve challenging problems in the The Australian Mathematics Competition
  • English Excellence: Year 7 and Year 9 students received their NAPLAN results and our Year 8s received their Allwell data,      providing a great opportunity to reflect on their results, which have proven that hard work pays off

Sport and Extra- Curricular
Premier League: Year 8s took out the Football Carnival competition, finishing up with the premiership. Our Year 9s are currently in the middle of their season, with it looking like most teams will have a finals appearance.

Musical rehearsals are well underway and many of our St John’s students are representing the college. We wish them all the best on opening night!

Upcoming Events:

Homework Club

Western Bulldogs Community Foundation: Who are conducting student leadership workshops on the topic of social responsibility in our community

St John’s Shoutouts:

Ellesar Creo- Representing Victoria in Volleyball

Don Amala Anban- Organising a new Minecraft club

Notices and Announcements

Understanding Resilience - Parent Workshop
Tuesday, August 13
7.00pm - 9.00pm
Quin Auditorium, Caroline Chisholm Catholic College
Corner Darnley Street and Churchill Ave., Braybrook

Caroline Chisholm Catholic College & Marian College, invite families to this informative Parent Workshop - "Understanding Resilience".

This workshop will be conducted by experienced Psychologist Maria Ruberto.

Registration to the workshop is FREE. Each family is required to purchase the workbook for the session for $10 upon entry to the session. Payment can be made on the night.

This workbook will be used throughout the session and provide a valuable resource for you to take home and continue to refer to.

Registration for the event is FREE. Please register for each attendee.

If you have any questions please contact Jodie McLeod - Family Partnership Team Leader, Caroline Chisholm Catholic College at:

We look forward to hosting an informative session.

You can register here

Fathers Day Mass and Breakfast
Friday 30th August 2024
7.30am - 9.00am
College Chapel
204 Churchill Ave, Braybrook 3019

Students are encouraged to join their family at this special celebration for all the dads and father figures in our lives.

Mass will commence at 7.30am. A light breakfast will follow in the Cafeteria, concluding at 9am.

Please RSVP before Friday 23rd August for catering purposes.

You can register here. 

15/08 - Feast of the Assumption Mass 

16/08 - Student Free Day

Student Events and Activities

All Schools Cross Country Achievements

Congratulations to our two students who ran at the Victorian All Schools Cross Country on the 20th of July.

Leanne and George both did an incredible job, with Leanne coming 6th in her age group, and George managing to complete the full race even while unwell.

Year 12 RE, Sports and Spirituality Excursion to the Western Bulldogs Football Club

Our Year 12 RE Sport and Spirituality Classes recently attended the Bulldogs Football Club to explore social responsibility  in our community and cultural awareness.

Our students really enjoyed the day, despite the blustery weather!

 ACU Step Up Program

Congratulations to all our students who recently finished and graduated the ACU Step Up Program!

Introba Work Experience

Some of our students completed work experience with Introba over the school holidays.
Below is a reflection from Mandy Nguyen about her time there.

The work experience hosted by Introba, in collaboration with Engineering Australia, gave us the opportunity to be engineers for a week and experience the working lifestyle. 7 of us had the chance to represent Caroline Chisholm Catholic College and work with 4 other schools on this project. We were given a project brief to design the layout of a block of land given to us with set requirements we had to fulfil. There were 6 teams, 5 allocated to designing a building on the land and one acting as town planner. I was one of the town planners which allowed me to explore all the different types of engineering and work on my leadership, communication and organisation skills. Additionally, Introba had organised expert engineers in various fields to teach us a little about their work and what they contribute to the community. We also had the opportunity to use 3D printers which were supplied by one of Introba's sponsors, allowing us to bring the designs to life. After we completed the designs and brief, we presented it to the Introba team, engineer guest speakers and other guests allowing us to show off our final designs. This was a great experience to gain insight into the engineering work field, develop my skills and meet new people. I'd suggest this program to anyone interested in engineering or to those who want to gain insight into the working lifestyle.

Year 12 Visual Communication Design Class

We love having our Alumni back to our school, and recently we were thrilled to welcome back Cindy Nguyen and Ana Diaz from the class of 2017, who ran a workshop in our Year 12 Visual Communication Design Class. These industry professionals brought their real-world expertise into the classroom, helping students develop and refine their concepts through hands-on learning. They worked with our students on brand strategy, typography and app design.
It was a real full circle moment, having these talented individuals run workshops in the same space where they once spent their time learning seven years ago!

Year 7 and 8 Lacrosse Tournament

Our Year 7 and 8 Lacrosse teams completed in the recent School Sport Victoria Lacrosse Tournament. While we may not have come home with a trophy, it was an incredible day, with our three teams performing exceptionally well, and it was a wonderful example of teamwork and sportsmanlike behaviour. 

Nallei Jerring Leadership Program

The Western Bulldogs’ Nallei-Jerring program provides support to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander young people, by providing opportunities through the Western Bulldogs as a way of encouraging leadership. Over six sessions with other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander participants, students are provided with a range of life, cultural and sport experiences in which to learn and develop. These include cultural games, connecting with culture, meeting Bulldogs players who share their inspirational stories and yarning circles.

Conducted at the newly refurbished Whitten oval facilities, students have engaged in a range of opportunities. The purpose of the program is to enhance the cultural knowledge of those involved and develop skills in leadership, teamwork, resilience and communication.

Two students from our College are participating in this year’s program.

Western Bulldogs Community Foundation

Our students had an amazing time engaging and learning from Western Bulldogs’ AFL Player, Tom Liberatore, at our most recent excursion to the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation Leadership Program. It was very engaging, and our students asked some great questions.

It was also wonderful having our students connect to these community programs as ways to build positive relationship and connections with peers outside their normal classroom, plus enable community connections with the mentors and organisations involved.

Year 9 MAV Mathematics Games Day

Some of our Year 9s had an exciting day earlier this week, visiting St Albans Secondary College for the MAV Mathematics Games Day!

Congratulations to our students who participated!

Medieval Incursion for the Year 8s

Our Year 8 students across both campuses recently completed an incredible Medieval Incursion, where they got to dress up, try on armour, and discover some medieval war techniques!


This month we commemorate the life and legacy of Australia’s only saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Her example of faithfulness, kindness and down-to-earth living of the Gospel continue to inspire generations of people from all walks of life.

During her life she inspired many to join her in works of charity and education to the poor and marginalised, in her own words: “never seeing a need without trying to do something about it.” May we pray for her guidance and intercession.

God of all blessings, you revealed in Mary MacKillop a sensitivity to the rights and dignity of every person, regardless of race or creed.

Help us to value the goodness of each person and all the blessings of unity in diversity.

We ask this through the depth and unity of you, our bountiful God, who hold all things in being.

Jesus our model of compassion, we praise you for your servant, Mary MacKillop, who gave her life to serve the needy and marginalised.

Help us to recognise, as she did, that we must serve our sisters and brothers with humulity, gentleness and sincerity.

Be with us as we strive to follow her and carry out our mission of service and care.