Churchill Avenue News

19 July 2024

From the Principal

Welcome Back to Term 3!

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

Welcome back to Term 3! We hope everyone had a restful and rejuvenating break. As we embark on this new term, we are filled with enthusiasm and anticipation for the significant milestones and exciting events ahead.

VCE Exams: A Time for Excellence

For our VCE students, this term marks a crucial period of preparation for the upcoming exams. It is a time to focus on achieving excellence, one of our core values. Remember, excellence is not just about academic success but also about giving your best effort and striving for improvement in all areas of life. We are confident that with dedication and hard work, you will rise to the occasion and achieve your goals.

The Wizard of Oz: A Magical Musical Journey

One of the highlights of Term 3 is the school musical, "The Wizard of Oz." This beloved classic promises to be a spectacular showcase of our students' talents in acting, singing, dancing, and production. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate acceptance and compassion, values that resonate deeply with the themes of the story. Let's support our performers and crew as they bring this magical tale to life on stage.

Subject Selection and 2025 Pathways: Charting Your Future

For many students, this term also brings the important task of finalising subject selection for the next academic year. This process is a pivotal moment in your educational journey, allowing you to explore your interests and passions. Our staff are here to guide and support you in making informed decisions that align with your goals and aspirations. Let’s embrace this opportunity with faith in ourselves and our potential.

Upholding Our Values

As we navigate through Term 3, let us keep our school values at the forefront of everything we do:

Faith: Believe in yourself, your peers, and the supportive community around you.

Acceptance: Embrace diversity and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued.

Compassion: Show kindness and empathy to others, offering support and encouragement.

Excellence: Strive for personal bests in all endeavours, both academic and extracurricular.

We are excited about the journey ahead and look forward to witnessing the growth, achievements, and memories that Term 3 will bring. Let’s work together to make this term a positive, productive, and enriching experience for everyone.

Welcome back, and let's make Term 3 exceptional!

Warm regards,

Laura Ruddick

Notices and Announcements

Term 3 Dates

Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 July - LM/Subject Conferences

Friday 02 August - Student Free Day

Friday 09 August and Saturday 10 August - School Musical, tickets available here.

Thursday 15 August - Feast of the Assumption Mass

Friday 16 August - Student Free Day

Monday 18 August - Book Week Begins

Friday 30 August - Father's Day Mass and Breakfast

Friday 06 September - Battle of the Bands

Monday 09 September - Languages and Cultural Diversity Week begins

Friday 20 September - College Assembly and final day of term

Student Events and Activities

Year 8 SACCSS Footy Carnival - Winners!

Congratulations to our Year 8 Boys AFL team, who won the premiership at the SACCSS footy carnival at the end of Term 2. We were undefeated, at 4-0, which is an incredible achievement!

Sacred Heart Day

Sacred Heart Day is a huge event in our school calendar. At the end of Term 2, we held our annual Mass and Assembly, as well as our Fair and Talent Quest. 

It was a wonderful way to end our Term, with the talents, bravery and achievements of students and staff on display. 
Thank you to everyone involved!

Western Bulldogs’ Leaders of the Pack Leadership Program Concludes

At the end of last term, four of our students had the privilege of participating in the 10 weeks leadership programs, and this has significantly benefited our Year 9 students. The program promotes young people developing a link with community mentors and organisations who are experts in sports, governance, and career growth to inspire future leaders. Congratulations to our Year 9 Christ the King students, Gianella Torres-Solis, Nyandeng Mayen, Poppy Laidlaw, and Nyidhal Deir who have graduated and received their graduation certificates and the Western Bulldogs Leaders of the Pack hoodie.

In addition, well done to Nyandeng Mayen who won the signed footy ball by the AFL Western Bulldogs players, for being the most reliable and significantly contributing member amongst many of the participants. Many thanks to all the staff members at 4Cs who have supported our students, and special thanks to our Deputy Principal, Ms. Stephanie Banks.

Sacred Heart Day Community Services Contributions

We had a number of our partner organisations attend our Sacred Heart Day last term, to connect with our school and build on the shared vision of community engagement and connections.

We were honoured to have Brimbank Youth Services and the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation attend, to engage with our students through their community connect stall, and showcase our collective collaboration and partnership, which so significantly benefits our students.

Winter School Holiday Programs

Well done and congratulations to our students who attended winter school holiday programs with the Melbourne Victory Football Club, and The Huddle with North Melbourne Football Club.

We had 5 students attend multiple days across the holidays.

A particular shout out to Ahana Banerjee from Year 9, who represented our school in the North Melbourne Football Club’s rock-climbing Program on her own!

VET Dance Competition

On the last day of term the VET Dance students competed at the Metropolitan Festival of Dance against other VET Dance students from across the state.

Even though it was a long evening and they were very nervous, the students had a great time and got a lot out of the competition, receiving feedback on their solos as well as seeing other examination solos from other dance schools and Colleges.

We had some outstanding results on the night to help build the performance confidence of our dancers. Belinda Vu achieved the following:

Individual stand out achievements

Belinda Vu - 1st Place Jazz solo (in a section of 29 jazz solos!)

Belinda Vu - 3rd Place Lyrical solo

Congratulations to Belinda and to all our students who did such an incredible job.


Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the safe and restful holidays we have enjoyed.

As we begin this new term, we entrust ourselves to the loving care of Our Blessed Mother, Mary. 
May her gentle guidance and intercession be with us every step of the way.
May we be inspired by her example of steadfast faith and devotion.
Help us to embrace each challenge with courage and perseverance, knowing that your prayers accompany us.

Lord, grant us the strength and wisdom to navigate the term ahead, to grow in knowledge and virtue, and to remain ever close to Your heart.
