Churchill Avenue News

21 May 2024

From the Principal

Connecting Through Community: Embracing Opportunities Together

As make our way through another busy term, it's with great pleasure that we witness the flourishing engagement and enthusiasm within our school community. From the launch of our much-anticipated Sport Academy in 2025 to the resounding success of our recent Subject Conferences, there's an undeniable sense of connection and collaboration within our halls.

The unveiling of our Sport Academy has been met with an overwhelming response from parents, signalling a shared excitement for the opportunities it presents for our students. Your enthusiasm reinforces our belief in the power of sports not only as a means of physical fitness but also as a vehicle for character development and teamwork, echoing the lessons of unity and fellowship found within the Catholic faith.

Speaking of engagement, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended our Subject Conferences. These gatherings provided invaluable opportunities for parents, teachers, and students to come together, share feedback, and chart a course for academic success, embodying the principles of community and cooperation.

As we navigate the busy weeks ahead, with exams looming on the horizon, the excitement of our upcoming Sacred Heart Day extravaganza, and the Senior Pathways Selection Evening, let us remain committed to fostering a culture of connection and collaboration. Together, we create opportunities for growth and learning, both inside and outside the classroom, guided by the values of faith, compassion, and fellowship.

Let’s all continue to embrace the theme of connection as we journey forward, seeking out ways to engage with one another and strengthen the ties that bind us as a school community. Whether it's through attending events, volunteering your time, or simply reaching out to offer support, let all of us play a role in shaping our school community, in accordance with the teachings of our Catholic faith.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Laura Ruddick

Acting Principal

Campus Report - Christ the King

Dear Students and Families of Christ the King Campus,

It is so hard to believe that we are now almost halfway through Term 2!

Whilst the weather has been so kind to us, we have taken the opportunity to use our outdoor spaces and take a full advantage of our beautiful areas.

Games of all sorts are available for students during recess and lunchtimes and the grass is at its best, allowing students to sit and enjoy the facilities.

Breakfast Club is the ‘place to be’ on Tues, Wed and Thurs mornings with singing and laughs being on the breakfast menu. It is so lovely to see the students enjoying their toast and the company of each other.

This Sunday was our Open Day and I am so impressed by the number of students that volunteered their time on Sunday to support the College by conducting tours. To me, this highlights how proud our students are of their college, opportunities and learning. Open Day is always abuzz with energy and enthusiasm, and I personally thank all those who were onsite with us on Sunday.

It was fabulous to see so many parents engaging in the Subject Conferences on Wednesday evening at the 204 site. Such conferences allow us to make stronger connections with our students and families which ultimately leads to greater connections with the community and learning. Many discussions have allowed us to focus on the positive aspects of the term and some discussions have also allowed us to challenge students to become the best versions of themselves. Whichever conversation took place with your child and teacher, please know that we are striving to support, nurture and empower your child to be their best in all they do.

Take care,

Veronica Argus

Campus Report - St Johns

The Year 7 St. John’s students have well and truly embarked on their secondary school journey. In Term 2, students have been working towards further developing their personal and social capabilities as they learn to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, and learning more effectively.

Within the LM program, students have been focusing on recognising and regulating their emotions, developing empathy for others, understanding and establishing relationships, making responsible decisions, working effectively in teams, handling challenging situations constructively and developing their leaderships skills.

Some of the events the Year 7 students have participated in this term include, but are not limited to,

  • Enthusiastically and proudly representing CCCC at interschool sports
  • Speaking to Maxine Beneba Clarke
  • Participating in a scavenger hunt at Skinner Reserve for P.E.
  • Participating in an observational walk around their suburb focusing on the factors that influence where people live for Humanities.
  • Attending their first Mother’s Day Mass

Our Year 8 students have also begun Term 2 with gusto and enthusiasm and should be commended for their commitment and hard work in the classroom. Here are some of the Year 8 highlights.

  • Participating in the LM competition by creating Logos to represent their LM classes
  • Continuing to build relationships with each other in the classrooms and school yard
  • Improvement in progress reports
  • Socially being upstanders instead of bystanders without any teacher or staff assistance.

The Year 9 students have also been busy this term and are really taking advantage of using their time wisely inside and outside of the classroom. Here are some of the highlights from Year 9.

  • Successful reflection day at Rosamond Bowls Club
  • College Ambassador support at subject conferences and open day
  • SJ Campus Captains visiting Year 7 and 8 classes to support and answer any exam related questions.
  • Year 9 LM competition on teamwork and decision-making playing ‘cross the river’ on the grassed area. Congrats to 9C for winning!

    Coming Up:
  • VET excursion for Year 9s who are interested in this pathway for the senior years.
  • Pathway subject selection night

Campus Report - Sacred Heart

The term is in full swing now and the Year 10 and 11 exams are only 2 weeks away. They are in the process of finishing their assessments and beginning their studying regime for exams. Semester 1 classes are nearly over and so Year 10’s will begin their Semester 2 subjects and Year 11’s Unit 2 and Year 12’s Unit 3. The Year 12 Formal is on Thursday 6th of June and the students are excitedly preparing for this. It gives them time to relax and dance the night away with their peers….and some teachers like to get in on a little boogie, too! We had Mothers Day mass and breakfast last week and it was wonderful to see so many Sacred Heart families there. We also just had the Parent Teacher Subject Conferences and it was great to see the school abuzz with students, families and teachers all working together for the best results for our CCCC students.

It is a very exciting time for our Year 10’s who have Subject Selection this week. This is the first part of beginning their 11 and 12 pathways journey as they will have Course selection early next term to accompany this.

We will end this Semester with our Sacred Heart Day celebrations; mass the fair and the talent quest. We look forward to this and hope that all our students will get involved.

I look forward to the remainder of the term for the staff, students and families of Sacred Heart.

Molly Coyne

Director of Sacred Heart Campus

News and Updates

Thank you to all who assisted with our Open Day

Thank you to all the students, staff and parents who helped make Open Day possible.

It was a wonderful day, even with the rain, and we had lot's of future families commenting how much they loved the student run tours, seeing the money being raised for Vinnies and chatting to our staff throughout both sites. 

Subject Expo 2024 - Tuesday 23 May

Our Subject Expo is fast approaching. Year 9 and 10 students are expected to attend, and can ask all their questions and hear about how the college can assist them with their pathways.

YEAR 9 (into Year 10)

4:45pm – 5:00pm Registration in the Quin Auditorium foyer

5:00pm – 5.30pm Information session in the Quin Auditorium

5.30pm – onwards Subject Expo in Blessed Daswa Hall

7.30pm Subject Expo concludes

YEAR 10 (into Year 11)

5:45pm – 6:00pm Registration in the Quin Auditorium foyer

6:00pm – 6.30pm Information session in the Quin Auditorium

6.30pm – onwards Subject Expo in Blessed Daswa Hall

7.30pm Subject Expo concludes

Winter Concert - Tuesday 11 June

Tickets for our Winter Concert are available! 
They'll be open to the wider public this Sunday on Open Day, so if you're wanting to get a ticket, jump in now!

Full College Assembly - Thursday 27 June

Sacred Heart Day and last day of Term 2 - Friday 28 June

Casual Bus Driver Needed

Caroline Chisholm Catholic College is seeking Education Support staff wishing to join a vibrant and dynamic learning community.


The College is seeking candidates for the following casual or part time position;

  • MONDAY TO FRIDAY; 2.30PM – 4.30PM

The successful applicants will possess the following skills and experience:

  • Experienced and safe driver
  • Relevant experience in driving a 45-seater Bus
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

The successful applicants will also demonstrate the following attributes:

  • Holds a current Medium Rigid Driver’s licence
  • Holds a Working with Children Check and a National Police Check
  • A strong commitment to our Catholic Ethos
  • Holds a Driver accreditation (DC/DA)

For more information regarding the position please email

Applicants are invited to send a cover letter and resume to

Applications close at 4pm Friday 7th June 2024.

Caroline Chisholm Catholic College is a Child Safe School.

Student Events and Activities

Leaders of the Pack Program with the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation

Some of our students have been involved with the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation program, Leaders of the Pack. It is wonderful to witness our students being positively impacted and working on individual aspiration. Recently they completed Vision Boards and Smart goals, and have upcoming events including mentorship visits. 

VCE VM Literacy Class

Our Year 12 VCE VM Literacy classes had an incredible incursion on the 9th of May, including a "Build a Billycart" activity, as well as a Team Trivia activity and a Scavenger Hunt

The sessions encouraged students to utilise communication skills and team building initiatives to complete tasks. 

Grade Six Trivia Night

Each year we welcome students who will be starting Year 7 with us in the following year to a Trivia Night, so that they can meet and get to know the other families and students from their year level. 

This year was incredibly popular, with more than 200 people coming along! Congratulations to our winning teams, and thank you to everyone who contributed to the evening. 

Mother Day Mass and Breakfast

Each Mothers Day we mark the week before with a Mothers Day Mass and Breakfast. Beginning with a Mass where we recognise and bless the mothers and important mother figures in our community, we move into the Madeleine Centre for breakfast.

We saw more than 100 people attend this year, which is a significant increase from previous years. It's lovely to witness our most important traditions grow!

Year 9 SJ Students

The Year 9 SJ boys worked in their LM groups on a ‘crossing the river’ activity, aiming to promote collaborative decision making, problem solving and team synergy. They were provided with a small amount of equipment to use, along with a few constraints, the rest was up to them as an LM to decide how best to use the equipment. Through an exposure to failure and self-correction each group was able to build some level of success, and 9C went on to travel the furthest.

Blind Soccer Awareness Session

Some of our HPE students recently completed a session where they learned about playing soccer without being able to use their sight.  

Kool Skools Excursion

A number of our Year 9 CTK students got to experience Kook Skools, where they practiced their incredible music skills in a real recording studio. They also got to hear back their music, put it together and take professional 'band photos'.

Year 11 Reflection Day

Our reflection days have continued, with Friday 17/05 featuring our Year 11 Reflection Day.

Students heard from Father Rob Galea, who is the founder and executive director of ICON Ministry, and an acclaimed author, singer, and songwriter. 


Our School is running OzHarvests' NEST program again this year, and as always the scent of the food they're cooking makes the rest of us hungry!
Their most recent delicious creations were a pasta bolognaise, made with extra veggies, and some seriously yummy oat chocolate chip cookies!



While Caroline Chisholm is not yet recognised in the Catholic Church as a saint she is acknowledged as an important figure who worked for justice. She strove to offer accommodation, education, safe travel and employment to women and young people who needed it most. In the Anglican Church, May 16th is the date used to celebrate her feast day, and so this week pray for Caroline Chisholm to be with us and guiding us.


Dear God,

We thank you, most loving and merciful God, for the admirable life of Caroline Chisholm, who heard your call in youth and responded as a woman of patient, energetic faith.

With the support of her husband Archibald and her children, she assisted people in need, irrespective of their country or creed. She did this by social reforms and charitable work, especially re-uniting families, protecting vulnerable girls, placing the unemployed in work and achieving improvements for poor emigrants.

Help us to follow her example of Christian commitment and untiring, resourceful service.
