Churchill Avenue News

16 June 2023

From the Principal

Welcome to Week 8, Term 2 as we enter the final stages of Semester One. The students have been undertaking a series of assessment tasks including exams at all year levels, with the Year 12 students having completed the GAT, so it’s a busy couple of weeks for the students and the staff. Whilst it can be a stressful time, we encourage all the students to plug away, stick to what we hope are good routines and methodically go about finishing off their studies for the term and do the best they possibly can.

The Term 2 SACCSS sport seasons are coming to a pinnacle, with finals being played over the next couple of weeks. To this point we have had a successful winter campaign with a couple of our teams playing off in the finals. We wish them every success.

With the focus on exams and SACs, sporting finals and everything else at this time of year, I have wondered if the advice we present kids on a daily basis to set goals, to think big, to have big dreams helps or hinders. Too often I talk with students who get lost in the big picture, lost in the big dreams, finding themselves drowning in the day-to-day tasks that confront them. Now, not for one minute am I about to say that we need to tell our kids to forgo their dreams, their goals or not set grand plans for themselves, for without them they are very unlikely to achieve great things. Rather I’m suggesting that having framed their big picture, do we encourage them to focus on the day-to-day tasks that will eventually allow them to achieve their goals.

This thought came upon me a number of years ago when visiting Cambodia, where I came across a number of wonderful young people with a dedication and focus I don’t often encounter amongst Australian children. The engagement in their work and their learning was something to behold. Their dreams were simple, there were no grand plans or dreams to have great wealth, rather they simply wanted to get an education so they could get a job and ultimately repay their families and their school. Obviously, the vast majority of students I came into contact with had very little in life and being able to provide food and shelter for their families is seen to be a significant achievement in life, hence their commitment to their studies.

Whilst I understand that the world I was witnessing in Cambodia is literally worlds apart from our world, I did come to the conclusion that there is much we can learn from these people and their simple existence. I was blown away by what drove these students and their sense of gratitude for everything in life. With all of this in mind my reflection this week focuses on doing the little things well and having a sense of gratitude for what we have in our very affluent lives.

God Bless.

Robert Brennan

Faith & Mission

This month of June arrives as the central point of the year in many respects. With the recent Solemnity of the Sacred Heart which is celebrated this year on Friday, 16 June we see a particular focus on Jesus’ human nature and his heart as the seat of his emotions. This devotion to the sacred heart stretches back through our College history to the founding brothers and sisters and connects us back further yet to saints like St Margaret Mary Alacoque, St Jane de Chantal and St Francis de Sales. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus emerges in our Church and society as an emphasis on God’s love and mercy, and the sacredness of the human person. This solemnity is closely tied to the Feast of Corpus Christi, or the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and is a further opportunity to appreciate Jesus’ divine and human natures. Jesus, as God incarnate, was fully human, understood our human struggles and joys, and sacrificed himself for all people. Hence, through these two significant feasts the Church brings to the forefront the love of Jesus for all people and his closeness to us today spiritually and in the Eucharist.

In light of this significant celebration, we as a College celebrate our annual feast day, Sacred Heart Day, and commemorate it through mass, assemblies, festivals and performances, all showcasing the many gifts and talents within our diverse community. Our feast day is a unique time to appreciate our shared vision for our community to be a place where faith thrives, acceptance overcomes differences, compassion reaches out to those in need, and the call to excellence brings out our best selves. Let us enjoy a restful break and return renewed for the second semester.

Tristan O'Brien
Deputy Principal - Faith & Mission

Student Wellbeing

As we end Week 8 of Term 2, it is wonderful to see the level of engagement that so many students are putting into their learning. Many students are thriving in this space. It has also been lovely to see the students socialising in the yard, participating in various activities, sports, and excursions. There is a real sense of normality about the place. Please take some time to speak with your child/ren about how they are going with their learning, friends, and activities at school.

I take this opportunity to note some reminders, and thank you for your support on the following:

  • All students should now be in full winter uniform. There have been a few boys still wearing shorts. There have also been a number of students that are either regularly in their physical education uniform, or incorrect physical education uniform. Please take some time to check that your child has all the correct uniform items and inform their Learner Mentor if support is needed.
  • Students were also reminded this week about their use of headphones and AirPods. Students are not to use AirPods or headphones on the school grounds and were reminded that they must be removed on entry to the College. If a teacher requests a student use earplugs or headphones for learning and teaching purposes, they must be wired through their laptop. If Year 12’s wants to listen to music when studying, they can through their laptops using wired headphones, not through their phone. Any student that is not respectful of the use of AirPods and headphones will have them confiscated for a week.

We look forward to the end of term celebrations in the final week, with our Academic Assembly on Thursday 22 June, followed by our Sacred Heart Day Mass, fair and talent quest.

I have also included a some information on various workshops and webinars to support parents.

Thank you for your ongoing support. When we work together to understand the hopes and dreams of our students, they in turn engage in their learning and together we inspire their love of learning.

God Bless.

Stephanie Banks
Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing

Campus Report - Christ the King

Last week saw many of our students sit their first exams. It was good to experience the formality of the exams as it allows students the opportunity to plan, prepare and navigate themselves, whilst demonstrating their learning for the semester. It is also a great way to ensure when the VCE exams occur later in their schooling, they are well versed in how to manage these.

Reports are also coming very soon, again another opportunity to help students reflect on their growth and learning for the first part of the year. Some will reflect and ponder on opportunities taken and others may feel the need to set new goals for the semester ahead. Whichever path your child is walking, I hope they feel the support of their teachers and College community as they head into the next semester.

As you can see from the new winter HPE uniform, our aim is to accommodate the students with comfortable, warm yet professional attire to support their learning days. With the holidays fast approaching and the days getting colder, please consider the winter uniform and any adjustments that may be needed. The white winter shirt requires a top button for the tie to sit correctly. This may mean that some students need to purchase a long sleeve shirt. With the tie being a feature of the winter uniform, it is important that it sits correctly and is always worn neatly.

We thank you for your ongoing commitment to the College and for working with us as a team to support your child in their many facets of learning and development. I strongly believe that it is through the partnership between the parents, school, and students that success can be achieved, recognised and celebrated.

Veronica Argus
Director of Campus - Christ the King

Campus Report - St John's

This week's St John's Campus Report brought to you by Mr Dean Millard, our Year 7 Year Level Coordinator.

The Push Up Challenge

Caroline Chisholm launched into the Push Up Challenge for 2023 last week and after the first few days had close to 350 staff and students registered to push for better. The Push Up Challenge is a mental health awareness initiative that helps to educate participants about the links between physical and mental health while also providing them with a range of information and resources to support their own mental health.

The take up from the students has been amazing, particularly from the junior years, with the two leading LM teams after Day 2 both being Year 7 teams (7A and 7C), while 8A and 9A are also in the top 5. Mr Gavran’s Unit 1 and 2 VCE PE are also strong contenders on the leaderboard. Our main focus at school this year for the challenge is around participation, so while fundraising is certainly a good outcome, it is not how we are measuring our success. Instead, we want to see as many of our community, staff and students alike, contributing whatever their best effort is. Our big theme is that even if you can only do one push up per day across the challenge that is one that your team could not have done without you. We want our students to see that it doesn’t matter if someone else can give more than them right now, each of us has something within us that we can bring to the community that no one else can. We are so proud to see the way the students have got behind this concept.


Our Year 7 SACCSS Premier League AFL team has really hit its stride recently and looks on track to compete in the Division Two finals for the first time in a number of years. After losing their first two games of the season the boys have continued to work on coming together as a team and this has resulted in three consecutive wins, including knocking over the previously unbeaten ladder leaders, Penola, 50-44. This is an outstanding achievement for a team that had a large number of players who had never played a competitive game before. With one game to go in the regular season, against Thomas Carr this Wednesday, they are an excellent chance of finishing in the top-two and earning a chance to play in a final. The development of the team, both in terms of their fundamental skills and game sense but also their teamwork and sportsmanship, has been exciting to watch and a key part of the improving results. The team is proving to be an excellent example of what can be achieved through a growth mindset and being willing to stay focused on doing the work even when you get off to a rocky start. If these young athletes can replicate that approach to learning into their classroom work, they will go a long way.

Dean Millard
Year 7 Level Coordinator

Campus Report - Sacred Heart

It has been a busy term at Sacred Heart Campus for all year levels.

The Year 12s started the term with their Retreat. Attending three different sites, students came back feeling refreshed and connected to the school and their work.

There have been sport success stories through SACCSS and both Year 10 and 11 students have had their respective reflection days. A big shout out to Mr. Tristan O’Brien and his faith team for their organisation of these spiritual and connecting days for the Caroline Chisolm students.

Our Year 12 students have also just had another milestone event in their final year - the formal. It was an opportunity for students to disconnect for a day, get dressed up and pamper themselves as they finish Unit 3 classes and prepare for Unit 4 and their last term of secondary school. It was a great night with lots of yummy food, dancing and memories made.

Year 10 and 11 students have just completed their mid-year exams. The study skills the students develop at this time will help them as they enter and progress through their senior years. The students conducted themselves very well with focus, commitment and maturity. They also just had an exam feedback day which consolidated the exam period and will be a very beneficial learning experience moving forward into semester two.

As we enter the last weeks of the term there is still quite a few activities happening. The GAT for students completing a Unit 3&4 subject, the Winter Concert, end of term assembly and the day we look forward to celebrating so much all year - Sacred Heart Day.

I wish everyone an enjoyable and safe holiday and look forward to all that lays ahead at Sacred Heart Campus in Term 3.

Molly Coyne
Director of Campus - Sacred Heart

Student Retreat Reflections

"It was really good to spend time with students I didn’t really know and get to know them better."

"I came back feeling a real connection to the school, my teachers and mostly the Year 12 cohort."

"It’s always nice to spend time with teachers away from the classroom and get to know them in a different way."

College & Community Notices

Twilight Open Event

We are excited to announce our re-worked open day - as a twilight event!

Visit this link for more information and to register.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

Our annual support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal has begun. Donations of blankets, warm jumpers and non-perishable food is now being accepted at both sites.

Winter Music Concert

The stage has been set for our annual Winter Music Concert, with seating reservations now open.Reserve your spot via Humanitix.

Chicago - High School Edition

Tickets for our 2023 musical are now on sale! Book your seat today via Humanitix.

Student Events & Activities


Prayer to the Sacred Heart

O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing,
We adore you, we love you.
We offer you this our hearts.
Make us humble, patient, pure, and devoted listeners to your will.
Grant, Jesus, that we may live in you and for you.
Protect us in the midst of struggles; comfort us in our afflictions;
give us health of body and assistance in our daily needs.
May your blessings be on all that we do.
Within your heart we place our cares.
In every need let us come to you with humble trust saying,
Heart of Jesus, help us.

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash