Churchill Avenue News

Campus Report - Sacred Heart

21 21 May 2024

The term is in full swing now and the Year 10 and 11 exams are only 2 weeks away. They are in the process of finishing their assessments and beginning their studying regime for exams. Semester 1 classes are nearly over and so Year 10’s will begin their Semester 2 subjects and Year 11’s Unit 2 and Year 12’s Unit 3. The Year 12 Formal is on Thursday 6th of June and the students are excitedly preparing for this. It gives them time to relax and dance the night away with their peers….and some teachers like to get in on a little boogie, too! We had Mothers Day mass and breakfast last week and it was wonderful to see so many Sacred Heart families there. We also just had the Parent Teacher Subject Conferences and it was great to see the school abuzz with students, families and teachers all working together for the best results for our CCCC students.

It is a very exciting time for our Year 10’s who have Subject Selection this week. This is the first part of beginning their 11 and 12 pathways journey as they will have Course selection early next term to accompany this.

We will end this Semester with our Sacred Heart Day celebrations; mass the fair and the talent quest. We look forward to this and hope that all our students will get involved.

I look forward to the remainder of the term for the staff, students and families of Sacred Heart.

Molly Coyne

Director of Sacred Heart Campus