Careers and Pathways

Throughout a student’s journey at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, they will have the opportunity to experience new subjects to help find their passion. In Years 7 – 8 students will undertake core subjects, so they experience different types of learning options. Through this, they will find what they enjoy and have the opportunity to continue the subjects they like in future years.

Through these subjects and their interests, it can help determine what pathways options are available to them, and the career options they may want to pursue.

Students can choose to go down the path of VCE, VCE-VM or VET courses. From Year 10 they will start to look at what types of career options are open to them, and what they need to achieve in their high school years to put them on their pathway to achieve their goals.

We have different events such as our Careers Exhibition where we encourage students to learn about different potential pathways available. We have industry guest speakers come to the College so students can hear from the experts, what it’s like in their jobs, and the direction they took to get to be where they are now.

We have a dedicated careers office located in our Senior Study Centre that is open to students so they can seek additional support in selecting the right pathway for them. We also provide a dedicated careers website that our students can access so they can stay up to date with the latest news in careers, university and industry.

Our current families can access our dedicated Caroline Chisholm Catholic College Careers Website here