Building Trust


One of the highlights of the last few weeks was the whole staff formation day on Monday the 21st of August where staff reflected on the work of Caroline Chisholm.

Caroline Chisholm's remarkable legacy is deeply intertwined with the concept of trust. Through her selfless dedication and tireless efforts, she earned the trust of countless individuals, families, and communities. Her pioneering work in advocating for the welfare and rights of immigrants during the 19th century exemplified a profound trust in the innate goodness and potential of every person, regardless of their background. Chisholm's commitment to social justice, education, and empowerment reflected her unwavering trust in humanity's capacity to rise above challenges. Her legacy continues to inspire us to foster trust in our interactions, to advocate for those in need, and to cultivate an environment where all individuals can flourish.

Trust is a fundamental value that lies at the heart of our school's ethos, shaping our interactions and guiding our educational journey. Recent events have prompted us to reflect deeply on the significance of trust within our community. While it saddens us to acknowledge that some of our Year 12 students experienced a breach of trust, it has also provided us with an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to upholding trust as a core principle. We extend our utmost appreciation to the students who bravely came forward, sharing their concerns and entrusting us with their experiences. Their unwavering trust in our school's ability to address the issue underscores the importance of open communication, transparency, and the mutual trust that binds us as a school family. It is through these challenges that we collectively reinforce our dedication to fostering an environment where trust thrives, where voices are heard, and where the bonds of our community are strengthened.

As we navigate our shared journey of education and faith, let's remember that trust forms the cornerstone of our community. Let us inspire one another through our actions, guided by the teachings of our Catholic faith. By nurturing trust, we create an environment where faith flourishes and the potential for growth is boundless. I will finish with a prayer for trust.