Churchill Avenue News

Student Wellbeing Report

EDITION 9 01 September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the term draws to an end, we can be grateful for all the events and activities our students have had. Camps have continued to provide our young people with a positive experience. Years 7 and 8 have participated in reflection days, sport, House activities and this week book week and our VCAL students spending time at the Western Bulldogs for a community foundation and leadership day.

An important reminder to parents and carers of your duty of care to inform the college if you son or daughter is going to be absent. If you plan on taking your child out of school for extended leave, please ensure that you have made contact with their Year Level Coordinator to discuss plans for missed work. It is a college requirement as a part of our registration to ensure unexplained absences are accounted for. This can be done via the parent portal on compass on the day or in advance if you know. See below tutorials.

You can also call reception on 9296 5311 by 9am on the day. Families receive a text message at 10:00am if their child is away. Student Services will then follow up with a phone call following this if we still have unexplained absences for your child. Please support the college with this compliance and inform us of when your child is absent.

Compass Parent Tutorial and guide
Adding a note/approval: Parents are shown the process of adding a note to explain their child’s attendance after their child has been marked NP/U or L/U and also how to add a note in advance for a known upcoming absence.


At the beginning of term 4, students will be required to be in full summer uniform from day 1. This means that our female students can wear the summer dress, winter skirt with long white socks, shorts, or pants with the straight cut blouse. The boys have the option of wearing either shorts or pants with the straight cut shirt. If students choose to wear the straight cut shirt, they do not need to wear the tie. If students are wearing the older tailed shirt with top button, then they should wear the school tie with their shirt tucked in. Students do not need to wear the blazer to and from school but are required to wear if for formal events such as Mass or assemblies. In term 4 the outer garment is with or without blazer. The red jumper is not an out garment. Thank you for your support with this.

Finally, it was lovely to see parents actively engaging in constructive conversations within our hallways at last night’s parent, student, and teacher conferences. We look forward to more of these face-to-face conferences in the future.

Wishing our students and families a restful term break.

God bless,

Stephanie Banks Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing.