Churchill Avenue News

Student Events and Activities

EDITION 9 01 September 2023

Feast of the Assumption Mass

As a Catholic College, we really value the times that we gather as a whole College to worship. On Tuesday the 15th of August, students and staff from all campuses joined one another in the Daswa Hall to commemorate the Assumption of Saint Mary.

Gold Waa Awards

Directly after the Feast of the Assumption Mass, we transitioned to a more standard assembly where students who had achieved enough points for their Gold Waa Award were presented with their badge. Congratulations to every student who has contributed so significantly to the life of both the school and the wider community that they received their Gold Waa. We hope you'll wear your badge with pride!

Staff Faith Formation Day

Staff at Catholic Colleges are required to undertake a minimum of 25 hours of extra faith based training each year. The Staff Faith Formation Day contributes to these hours, and gives our staff an opportunity to focus on their own knowledge, as well as building relationships with one another to ensure that we can serve students as effectively as possible. This year we focused on the life of Caroline Chisholm, and how we can take her admirable ethos and apply it everyday in our day-to-day work.

NEST Program Continues

We continue to be impressed by the NEST program being run by OzHarvest.
Students have focused this last week on food nutrition and simple swaps they can make to choose healthier options, as well as looking at their food goals. They've also been busy in the kitchen, and have made french toast with greek yoghurt, mixed fruit and honey, and sausage rolls made with mince and grated vegetables, using mountain wraps instead of pastry one week, and then a taco salad with guacamole, greek yoghurt and corn chips and banana cookies the next!

Pizza Sale

Students are constantly finding new ways to support their chosen charities, and the 22nd of August saw our students raising money through a Pizza Sale at lunchtime. In the end, students raised almost $250!

Save Lee Point Lecture

Students heard from Doctor Amanda Lilleyman, Adjunct Professor at Charles Darwin University, in regards to Lee Point, an environmental campaign focused on protecting areas of significance to wildlife from being developed into housing.
The Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies who participated in the session will be expected to include analysis and commentary on a recent environmental campaign, so hearing directly from a leader from such a campaign will be invaluable to their year 12 exams

Book Week

We were thrilled to have three amazing authors come and speak to students and staff during book week. Thank you to Alice Pung, Nicole Hayes and Mark Wilson for being willing to give up your time and speak to us.

Chinese Puppet Show Incursion

Here at CCCC we try to ensure students have multiple opportunities to learn alongside their classroom studies. On the 25th, students from a few of our younger years got to see a Chinese Puppet Show, using both English and Chinese language.

Battle of the Bands

Last night, on the 31st, our students participated in the Battle of the Bands. This was a brilliant night, the energy was incredible and it was so amazing to watch our students getting to perform pieces that they chose and love. 

Fathers Day Mass and Breakfast

This morning was our fathers day mass and breakfast for 2023. Focusing on the parable of the lost son, it's always lovely to see the students and the significant men in their lives spending some time with each other in worship and community. Thank you to all those who took the time to be involved.

Early University Acceptance

A number of universities offer 'guarantee' spots, which allow students to apply to universities early. A number have sent out conditional invites already, and we're thrilled that we have students who have been offered a conditional invite here at the College.
While students do still need to complete all other admission requirements for their specific course (e.g. a specific study score in a subject) it's an incredible achievement.

We have over 13 students so far who have received their guarantees - congratulations!