Churchill Avenue News

Faith and Mission

EDITION 9 01 September 2023

August has been a full and blessed period of time for the Faith and Mission team. Whether it’s leading the college through the Feast of the Assumption mass or the special Father’s Day mass or providing numerous lunchtime house sports competitions and food sales to raise money for our house charities or spending beautiful times together as a Year 7 or Year 8 cohorts on reflection days – each event has been a blessing.

During this time our staff have also spent a day of faith formation growing in our understanding of the life and legacy of Caroline Chisholm. Led by Clara Geoghegan, our day included an engaging lecture on her life, a dialogue session exploring Caroline Chisholm’s work with young people in 19th Century Australia and ending on a high with some light-hearted trivia – Caroline Chisholm inspired too of course!

The Faith and Mission team, from student leaders through to staff, have been able to create spaces that foster a sense of community, belonging and joyful learning. We give thanks for these opportunities and look forward to many more in Term 4.